Official 2023
Christmas & New Year
Newsletter from
New MexicoUnited StatesEarthSol SystemMilky Way GalaxyThis RealityRoswell

Happy Kwanzaa! Merry Christmas! Happy Hanukkah! Happy New Year! Peace on earth!

Dog Beaming Using Dog Brain-To-Human Brain TechnologyⓇ

The following is what our dog Chase experienced in 2023. He beamed all of his to Robyn and she wrote it down for all of you to read:

I hope everybody had a great 2023, especially all the doggies.

Mommy and Daddy and I had a good year. We went for lots of car rides and walks, which aretwo of my very favorite things! Sometimes we drove through magic food windows where they hand you a bag of food right through the window! Sometimes those places give me cups of
whipped cream or ice cream. I like magic food windows.

I got to help Mommy and Daddy clean Grandma’s house while Grandma was in Montana. Grandma took my cousin Harley with her, so I didn’t get to play with him all summer but then they came back.

I got to play with my best friend Poncho, and there’s a new doggie in our complex named Rex. He’s a chihuahua, and I like him because he’s really small. I don’t like big doggies.

I spent a lot of time this year barking at squirrels and delivery truck drivers, and chewing on my toy chipmunk.

In March I had to go get my yearly parvo/distemper vaccine, and it made me feel icky.

One night I chased two big white doggies out of our complex. I ran after them and scared them away. Mommy wasn’t very happy because she had to run down the street after me in her nightgown.

Another night I chased a big black and white kitty, but it wasn’t actually a kitty. It was a skunk and it sprayed stinky stuff in my face. It was really bad. Mommy and Daddy had to give me a bath even though it was really late at night. I don’t like baths at all.

Now they make me wear my leash every time I go outside, even if it’s only to go pee-pee. I like being off the leash better.

We were going to a groomer’s to get my nails clipped every month but I didn’t like the guy who clipped my nails and I kept crying and trying to bite him. The last time Mommy and Daddy made me go there I pee-peed on the nail clippy guy. Daddy didn’t want to take me back there after that so they took me to Pet Smart. The ladies there were nicer, but I still don’t like my front paws being touched at all, so I wasn’t very happy.

We had Thanksgiving at Grandma’s house and I got turkey and lots of yummy food.

I got to have a sleepover with Harley at Grandma’s house when Mommy and Daddy went to Albuquerque for Mommy’s birthday.

I think that’s about all from me.

I hope you all have a Merry Christmas and get lots of treats!

Love from,

Chase Ewok Jipp

This Herdier Pokemon looks like a large version of our dog Chase

Robyn the Author

Robyn has been busy writing. As some of you know, she published 4 books on Amazon in 2021 and 2022 with 3 under her name and 1 under her pseudonym “Annabel Ann Usher”. In 2023 she published her 5th book under her name. All her books are collections of short stories. The stories are reminiscent of Twilight Zone stories. Here are her books. You are able to click on the picture of each book for more info on it:

Robyn is one of six moderators of a large Stephen King Facebook group. She also participates in a weekly online D & D game that is recorded live then posted on YouTube for later viewing and there is also an audio podcast. Robyn just finished working on a Diamond Painting Kit. She also spends time reading and watching movies or TV series.


As some of you know, in 2022 I deconstructed/deconverted from Christianity. While looking up verses in the Old Testament concerning abortion to show a friend, I realized I could no longer believe. Upon further reflection, and using reason and logic, I came up with the 10 Conundrums. Basically these Conundrums are the main reasons I can no longer believe in any of mans’ 3000+ Gods and many thousands of religions, denominations, churches sects, and cults.

I am now an Agnostic-Atheist which is quite similar to how Albert Einstein believed towards the end of his life based on quotes from him. I see where faith and belief can be beneficial to society and individuals in some cases and detrimental in others. I am thankful for the positive aspects upon my life of my previous faith but also see some of the negatives. I don’t hate God as I don’t believe that God exists. Could some unknown (to earth) God exist that we may never know? A form of Deism? Perhaps. I am always open to proof that is not circular and based upon supposed God inspired texts. I can’t prove 100% that some unknown God does not exist, as I would have to know all of space-time and possibly explore strings or multiverses (if they even exist) to say positively 100% there is no God anywhere, anytime. But I do not believe any God that is worshipped by humans exists, including the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

I spend a lot of time now learning about Christianity and other religions and listening to various debates and teaching videos. I have been influenced by the teachings of a woke Jesus (yes, I believe Jesus existed in history) and I believe Jesus thought of himself as a messianic Jewish prophet. At first Christianity was just a Jewish sect but changed rapidly in the first 50-500 years. I have always been interested in early church history since high school.

I must say that I am especially unhappy with fundamentalists whether they be Christian, Muslim, Hindu or other. They cause a lot of problems in the world. I am also amazed at Biblical literalists but realize they have not been properly taught about Biblical exegesis, textual contradictions, contradictory manuscripts, church history, changes/additions to manuscripts or any proper Biblical criticism. I am in dialogue (arguments?) with three such friends on these topics. One of them is my pseudo-adopted brother.

I consider myself to be an empiricist, naturalist, humanist and believe in science. The scientific method is the best way that mankind has to learn the world and universe that we find ourselves in. The best way to decrease suffering and improve human’s lifespans. The best way to decrease suffering and pain. Thoughts and prayers just do not go far enough. There does not have to be a conflict between religion and science, although some fundamentalists will undoubtedly disagree with me while benefiting from scientific advancements in their lives everyday.

So I decided to write a book on my life, my beliefs, and my spiritual journey. The (long) working title is Outside of Time and Space: Where God Might or Might Not Reside: The memoirs, thoughts, and faith Journey of Shawn Jipp. I then decided to turn that into a website. But the plan is to finish the book project and then publish the book this year. The website will continue. At the end of this newsletter are various links to my website, etc.


We both have now managed 3 years without catching Covid-19 because of our measures. We never eat inside restaurants but do drive-through or curbside pickup. Often, and especially in this season when respiratory illnesses are on the rise, we use Vog or N95 masks when inside a store or our (never very busy) mall. We have not gone on airline flights or cruise ships (but we have done several cross country trips in our car), we do not congregate with large groups of people like in theaters, sports games, nightclubs, churches or conventions. We are not inside a school. We always wear N95 masks to doctor, hospital or lab visits, etc. Most importantly, we both are up to date on all our Covid-19 boosters and flu shots (6 shots/jabs for me, 5 shots/jabs for Robyn.) Thank you science! We do realize we are blessed to be able to keep a distance from people since we are not in the workforce, no kids in a school environment, not a frontline medical worker and not in the military. We highly suggest for all of you to get all of your vaccinations and wear masks whenever your situation requires it. Keep safe and keep your loved ones safe, especially the ones at higher risk for more severe illness.

Our Home

Our Home was manufactured in 2020 and brought here in August of that year. We moved in August 28, 2020. It is all electric with no gas. House is 16 x 72 feet or 1152 sq feet. It is paid for but we pay monthly space rent which includes landscaping, water, garbage and sewer. We also pay property taxes for our structure only. We pay for electricity and internet and do not subscribe to cable/television. All our entertainment and video is through our 200 mbps cable internet. The antennae you see is for receiving ADS-B real-time data from aircraft up to 200 miles away as I host an aviation ADS-B site for FlightAware. They provide their Raspberry Pi & Linux based stand alone computer and antennae and we provide the mounting, internet connection and electricity for it. The data is sent real-time to their computers and merged with other station data from around the world to provide a nearly real-time seamless map of flights worldwide. They are at:

Our house
Our house
Our driveway. Robyn’s car Maggi is in front of our FIAT.
View from porch during rain
Porch with a Pokemon visitor


We are selling Robyn’s car Maggi. It is a kit car built in Arizona in 1979. Uses a 1975 Ford Mustang/Pinto 2.8 litre V-6 and 3 speed Ford automatic. Front discs & rear drums. Five new tires in 2021. Stewart Warner gauges all work. Fiberglass kit from New York. Looks like 1937 Jaguar SS100. Registered as 1937 Jaguar. Know anyone that might be interested? She needs a good home.

Visit to the Roswell Art Museum February 8, 2023

Wings Over Cannon (AFB) Airshow in Clovis, NM on April 22, 2023

A-10 Warthog
V-22 Osprey
MQ-9 Reaper

Miscellaneous Pictures from 2023

We bought two vehicles in 2023 one is this electric scooter. It is 750 watt, has Bluetooth to phone app, range is about a 20 miles, can hit 19 mph, has no shocks, 10 inch wheels with solid rubber tires, and can recharge in about 2-4 hours. Battery is not removable and it is not waterproof. I now have 100 miles on its internal odometer.
This is the other vehicle. Robyn’s new (2 year old used) Schwinn bicycle. She has named it “Mint Chip”
Our astronomy club sponsored a guest talk in November from former Air Force pilot/test pilot/shuttle pilot Duane “Digger” Carey. He piloted the shuttle Columbia during an 11 day mission to repair the Hubble Telescope. He is a motivational speaker for middle and high school kids. The next day he visited two schools here in Roswell, and the day after that his visits were on the front page of our newspaper. Here is his website:
Those monster tires are taller than our car!
Learning to fall
Chase and Robyn posing for camera
A few months ago I sold my 2007 Yamaha V-Star 1300 motorcycle which I had bought here in Roswell 2021. I do not plan to buy any more scooters or motorcycles in my life. Those days are now in the past. I am thankful for no accidents over the years. We know two wonderful people in our former Las Vegas motorcycle club that are no longer with us…
Santa also visits apartments!
Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade
Robyn’s mom made ALIEN COOKIES. A little scary, but very yummy!
Seen parked at our main downtown area McDonalds. His Florida license plate is SMURF 1
My favorite pair of shoes I own. Love Crocs!
Seen in Roswell parked at a hotel. Mini-Cooper with apparently the Space Shuttle option on top!
It gets cold (for us) in the winter here
Chase can drive small cars
Robyn and her mom Pat on our porch
Our firefighting base in Roswell with MD-10
Freshman high school picture
Roswell Museum of Art
Almost Halloween
Watching a neighbor’s ship departing the atmosphere
As scarecrow on Halloween
Feeling blue
Day after Christmas at her moms house
Visiting an expensive friend at Target
Near the Top Secret area
Hanging with a Roswell neighbor pointing out it’s mothership
In summer @100F at a neighborhood car show
By night, I work to protect the citizens of Roswell
Ruidoso, NM on July 4th

Il veicolo da campeggio compatto!

One of my major projects in the summer after I sold my motorcycle, was to spend the money leftover after paying off our one active credit card to converting our little FIAT 500 into the worlds smallest FIAT micro camper for one person!

I removed the rear seat, blackened the rear windows, added mosquito (keeps out flies too!) netting to the front windows, purchased a portable air conditioner, purchased 12v ventilation fans, purchased cushion material, purchased carpeting, purchased pillows, purchased a 12V small sealed AGM battery, purchased a 1000 Watt DC to AC inverter, added my two camping lanterns and bug zapper, added CO2 & temp meter, Carbon Monoxide detector, and smoke detector. I added a bathroom type AC 1500 watt heater, HAM transceiver, Aircraft radio scanner, a 2/4 AMP AC auto battery charger, Sirius XM receiver, front and rear 12V electric outlet stations to car battery and one to the external battery. These have USB-C, USB-A and cigarette lighter outlets, on-off switches and digital voltage readouts.

And last but not least, my friend David in Ruidoso spent 4+ hours working on a custom wood insert for the passenger window to allow for the exhaust duct and electrical extension cord for the portable AC unit.

Since these pictures have been taken, I have added a mattress (it fits baby cribs!) and switched my sleep direction. Future considerations are solar cells on the roof, a larger auxiliary battery-possibly a Lithium Iron Phosphate type, a possible external generator (running on propane which is much less harmful with 20% less CO2 emissions than gasoline) on an extension platform from car or even on a small trailer being pulled behind the car. Pictures are from my first trial run staying at an RV park in Albuquerque.

Mine is the only gas powered camper I know that can get up to 44 mpg! BTW, CO2 emissions directly correlate to miles per gallon fuel economy. This is true for diesel, gas or CNG automobiles. How many miles per gallon does your vehicle get? And I wonder, are all of our (people in general) travels and vacations always worth the impact on the environment? Just thinking out loud here

The Boeing 777X-900

Boeing aircraft came to Roswell again in 2023 like they did in 2021 to test their new 777x-900 airliner. We have a very long 13,001 foot runway (ex Air Force Strategic Air Command base closed in 1969 and was then given to the city) and they did wet runway braking tests. There were about 12 water trucks that soaked the runway and then the aircraft would land, brake and the measurements would be taken. Btw, those GEx engines are the largest aviation turbines in the world! Unfortunately, this time Boeing would not let anyone near the aircraft but in 2021 I got a tour onboard and got to sit in a cockpit jump seat. Planned delivery to airlines will be in 2025.

The 777x has folding wingtips that are retracted during taxiing and parking due to the length of the redesigned wings
These are the tails of the customers committed to purchasing the 777x
One of the two airport fire trucks stands by just in case there is a problem
This is where Boeing and some other companies work out of while visiting
The water trucks

Airbus A330 Multi Role Tanker Transport (MRTT)

NATO flew over to Roswell an Airbus A330 based tanker aircraft with a crew from Netherlands & Germany for pilot training because of our ‘good weather’ and long runway. While they were here the crew were awakened during the night by an earthquake. The epicenter was 125 miles away in Texas. I was awake and definitely felt it! I woke up Robyn as she had been sleeping. She thought the dog had jumped up onto the bed. The crew also experienced fog and a windstorm during some of their days here. It was not the best time to visit Roswell!

Their Airbus tanker can refuel using pods under the wings or from the tail boom like US aircraft use. It can technically refuel 3 aircraft at once.

ESL Class

One thing I have done this year is to volunteer one night weekly to help teach English as a Second Language (ESL) at the Roswell adult center with a couple of young Mormon Missionaries. These missionaries are relocated as often as every 6-8 weeks to a different geographical area of Texas/New Mexico. We don’t argue about religion but do discuss it once in a while.

As the sign says
Roswell Adult Center
With the Elders

The NASA Psyche Spacecraft Presentation

I created a presentation for my astronomy club about the Psyche spacecraft that had been recently launched. I presented it at the Robert Goddard memorial planetarium where we meet each month. I will be giving it to another group in Roswell soon. To watch the actual presentation, make sure you have a pretty good internet connection then click on the presentation button below. If you just want a .pdf file of it, click on the other button. Feel free to share either link with others.

Our Sunsets

We have some great sunsets here in November, December, and January.

Roswell Airport
Beautiful just before sunset
Close-up of sky

The Museum of Natural History and Balloon Museum in Albuquerque

For Robyn’s birthday on December 4, we went to Albuquerque for two days to visit the Museum of Natural History and the Balloon Museum. Robyn’s mom Pat was nice enough to dogsit Chase. We drove back the next night. The trip is about 3 1/2 hours driving each way.

Spike is one of the two welcoming dinosaurs outside the entrance
Saber Tooth Cat skeleton
Tyrannosaurus Rex & Robyn


On Saturday, October 14, several US States were in the path of an Annular (not annual) eclipse. “An annular solar eclipse happens when the Moon passes between the Sun and Earth, but when it is at or near its farthest point from Earth. Because the Moon is farther away from Earth, it appears smaller than the Sun and does not completely cover the Sun. As a result, the Moon appears as a dark disk on top of a larger, bright disk, creating what looks like a ring around the Moon.Roswell is located about 10 miles from the center of the path. People from different states, and even other countries, came to watch the eclipse in Roswell because our weather was expected to be good (and it was.) Some of these people that are interested in astronomy also came to visit our astronomy club.

Our club set up a booth and sold T-shirts, stickers, eclipse safety glasses, and bottles of water.

The eclipse path across the USA on October 14, 2023
The eclipse path across NM on October 14, 2023

This year, April 8th, 2024, many more US states will be in the path of a TOTAL Solar Eclipse. “A total solar eclipse happens when the Moon passes between the Sun and Earth, completely blocking the face of the Sun. People located in the center of the Moon’s shadow when it hits Earth will experience a total eclipse. The sky will darken, as if it were dawn or dusk. Weather permitting, people in the path of a total solar eclipse can see the Sun’s corona, the outer atmosphere, which is otherwise usually obscured by the bright face of the Sun. A total solar eclipse is the only type of solar eclipse where viewers can momentarily remove their eclipse glasses (which are not the same as regular sunglasses) for the brief period of time when the Moon is completely blocking the Sun.The moon will totally cover the sun. The sky will go completely dark for a short time. Some members of my astronomy club plan to travel to somewhere under this eclipse path. I am one of those. I plan to drive to Texas. Robyn may or may not go with me on this trip. Destination in Texas is not yet decided. There is an aviation event at the Addison, Texas airport on the 5th and 6th so the Dallas area is a highly probable destination. The other possibility is going to the Eagle Pass, Texas area, which is next to the Mexican border and has a higher probability of clearer skies than the Dallas area. There is less traffic there too.

I encourage you to go view and experience this April 8th eclipse, as the next one visible from the united States won’t happen until 2044.

Cuisinart Bread Maker

Since December we have begun finally using our wedding gift Cuisinart Bread Maker from 2010 to make all types of bread. It is working well. There are many bread maker books with recipes on Kindle Unlimited.

Our first mock sourdough loaf
Dill Bread
White/Wheat/Rye with molasses, honey, nutmeg, and cinnamon
Our third mock sourdough loaf
2010 Cuisinart bread maker


Albuquerque Balloon Festival Video Display at the Balloon Museum in Albuquerque

Albuquerque Balloon Festival Video Display at the Balloon Museum in Albuquerque

Albuquerque Balloon Festival Video Display at the Balloon Museum in Albuquerque

Albuquerque Balloon Festival Video Display at the Balloon Museum in Albuquerque

I took this video of people that came from all over the US to visit our Roswell Astronomy Club and watch the eclipse. Peggy, our president, is standing in the middle with the white shirt and sunglasses

Robyn learning to ride our electric scooter behind Sam’s Club

The mural in McDonald’s parking lot

The best decorated home in Roswell each year

This alien got to be the Roswell Santa Claus this year

McDonalds Spaceship – our local happening place near downtown Roswell on Main Street

The best decorated home in Roswell each year

The best decorated home in Roswell each year

The best decorated home in Roswell each year

The Roswell Lights

As some of you know, in summer of 2022 I saw some strange lights, which I have named THE ROSWELL LIGHTS, just north of town while I was out walking at our Walmart parking lot area. I took pictures with my 2018 iPhone and I called Cannon AFB in Clovis the next day but they doubted it was theirs. They said they would call me back but they did not. Pretty sure they thought I was crazy. I have not seen anything strange in the sky since that time. Here is a button with a link to my UFO page and my sighting (with pictures) and another button with a link to my Flickr album with UFO cartoons that might amuse you!

Last Pictures for 2023

Our lowest priced fuel in town is at Sam’s Club. This was taken on 12/31/23
Perspective is everything! These are from December 11 but still, see the HUGE difference?
My average daily steps for 2023 January-December-all days in 2023

Time Management

What do I do now that I am retired? What are my hobbies? How do I spend my time?

I continue to work on my website/book as it needs to be published soon. This newsletter will become part of it.

I try to reason with my evangelical, young earth creationist, right wing, MAGA friends that they are

I read magazines and newsletters (aviation, rocketry, astronomy, Consumers Reports, Covid-19, Long Covid, epidemiology, etc.)

I watch live rocket launches and aviation events online

I watch YouTube videos on theology, debates, science, space, and aviation

I joined the Democrats of Chaves County (Democrats aren’t perfect but that other group has become plain crazy with the cult of MAGA!)

Our county is one of the reddest counties in New Mexico which is a blue state. “We have around 65,000 citizens in Chaves County. It is a very conservative county as 28.4% of the people voted Democrat in the last presidential election, 69.8% voted for the Republican Party, and the remaining 1.8% voted Independent.”

I attend the monthly Roswell Airport Commision meetings online

I am a volunteer to help teach English as a Second Language (ESL) with two Mormon missionaries at the Roswell Adult Center

I recently signed-up to volunteer at our new local pop-up emergency warming center when the weather becomes dangerous for people on the streets. Luckily a young couple have temporarily donated their property (which is for sale) because ALL of the churches in town refused to donate any of their space to such an endeavor to keep the homeless from freezing to death!

I repost news items, memes, political announcements, pictures, cartoons, videos, clips, data, etc to my Facebook, Threads and X accounts showing that we must all work hard so that Trump is not reelected. If he is, our American democratic system will be attacked from within and might eventually crumble, Ukraine will be invaded by his dictator friend Putin, a BIG war will start in Europe which could easily turn into WWIII, even more Palestinians and Muslims (and therefore ultimately Jews) will be killed, hate speech and laws against those with different sexual orientations and genders AND political viewpoints will happen, the judiciary will be tampered with and told how to vote, arrests and demonstrations will multiply all across our land, right wing fascist leaning politicians in other countries will be emboldened to seek office and become dictatorial, women in the USA will lose their bodily autonomy and perhaps even birth control, many in our country will lose health care and the poor will receive even less help than they do now. Other countries around the world will lose faith in the USA, the once ‘beacon on a hill’ will be turned off and the whole world will suffer. PLEASE VOTE AND ENCOURAGE OTHERS, ESPECIALLY THE YOUNGER GENERATIONS, to VOTE!


I read a good book back in June from Neil DeGrasse Tyson. It is called: Starry Messenger: Cosmic Perspectives on Civilization

I am currently reading (and trying to comprehend) the last thoughts and book from Stephen Hawking. It is called: Brief Answers to the Big Questions

Cartoons for 2023

Church, Religion, Theology, Agnostic-Atheism, etc.

For theology questions I often watch YouTube videos from my favorite professor, Dr. Bart Ehrman. I now subscribe to his blog too. Here is info on him:

Bart Denton Ehrman is an American New Testament scholar focusing on textual criticism of the New Testament, the historical Jesus, and the origins and development of early Christianity. He has written and edited 30 books, including three college textbooks. He has also authored six New York Times bestsellers. He is the James A. Gray Distinguished Professor of Religious Studies at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Ehrman has written widely on issues of the New Testament and early Christianity at both an academic and popular level, much of it based on textual criticism of the New Testament. His thirty books include three college textbooks and six New York Times bestsellers: Misquoting Jesus, Jesus, Interrupted, God’s Problem, Forged, How Jesus Became God, and The Triumph of Christianity. More than two million copies of his books have been sold, and his books have been translated into 27 languages. Ehrman has been the recipient of the 2009 J. W. Pope “Spirit of Inquiry” Teaching Award, the 1993 UNC Undergraduate Student Teaching Award, the 1994 Phillip and Ruth Hettleman Prize for Artistic and Scholarly Achievement, and the Bowman and Gordon Gray Award for excellence in teaching. He has been featured in Time and has appeared on Dateline NBC, The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, CNN, the History Channel, major NPR shows, and other top media outlets. He lives in Durham, N.C.

I also like YouTube videos on Christianity, religious debate, and evolution on YouTube channels like: Paulogia, Mythvision, Gnostic Informant, Kristi Burke, Modern-Day Debate, Aron Ra, Alex O’Connor, etc.

Ebeneezer Baptist

And even though I am now as of 2022 an agnostic-atheist, I try to watch the weekly service of the Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta, Georgia. These services are on Vimeo and YouTube. This was Martin Luther King’s church. MLK has always been one of my mentors. The pastor is the Reverend Raphael G. Warnock, Ph.D. who also happens to be Senator Raphael Warnock, the first African American ever elected as a US Senator in Georgia! Mr. Warnock says he doesn’t care what people call him as long as it isn’t late for dinner! LOL. I certainly identify with their church social justice mission and their music is good! I have always liked Black Gspel music. Actually, I think I identify more with African Americans than I do with most white people. But for some reason, I was born with little melanin and therefore, have white privilege.


If you want to know more about my beliefs and opinions to get to know me better, just click on one of the buttons below and you will be whisked away to the appropriate portal in time and space!

OUR NEW YEAR’S RESOLUTIONS FOR 2024! (we never do resolutions so this is new for us)

  • Robyn will try to get back to her diet and stick to it.
  • Chase will try to be less scared of fireworks, firecrackers, gunshots, boom-booms and trust us to protect him.
  • I will try to lose weight too.
  • I will go thru all my automotive and electrical tools and either sell or donate redundant ones away.
  • I will finally go add the new postcards that have been catching dust to my postcard colection.
  • Robyn will try to stop climbing trees in her underwear.