First, I want to dedicate this website and my book to my 4 children. Since they have been raised by their mom Sheryl, after our divorce, we have not always been close. I hope before I die that we may all be closer. I keep trying. I am not perfect by any means. I have made some huge errors and hurt people, including my family. All I can do is be sincerely sorry and keep asking for forgiveness.

David Jipp

My computer expert

Melanie Jipp

My medical expert

Matthew Jipp

My electro-mechanical expert

Amy Jipp

My expert on kindness and gentleness

I wish to thank those that that have tolerated, friended & at one time even loved me.

I also wish to thank Robyn for the hours she spent reviewing my spelling and grammar, and also send thanks to those who proofread this site.
