Prejudice: Learned not inherited
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prej·u·dice ˈpre-jə-dəs
Synonyms of prejudice
1: injury or damage resulting from some judgment or action of another in disregard of one’s rights
especially: detriment to one’s legal rights or claims
2 a(1): preconceived judgment or opinion
(2): an adverse opinion or leaning formed without just grounds or before sufficient knowledge
b: an instance of such judgment or opinion
c: an irrational attitude of hostility directed against an individual, a group, a race, or their supposed characteristics
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prejudiced; prejudicing
transitive verb
1: to injure or damage by some judgment or action (as in a case of law)
2: to cause to have prejudice
Prejudice exists in people’s hearts and in most cultures and societies. Sometimes it is learned from our parents. Sometimes a person of a particular color or from a particular country or even someone from a particular political or religious group does us harm in life and we allow prejudice to enter our hearts against them. Sometimes it really takes some reflection and work on our part not to be prejudiced against some group or another because of people’s actions.
I will highlight the ideas below that stand out and resonate to my human experience and understanding.
This is from ChatGPT 3.5 AI (courtesy of OpenAI) concerning Prejudice:
“Prejudice is a problem that has caused harm to many people throughout history and still continues today. Prejudice is an irrational and unjustified negative attitude towards an individual or group of people based on their race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, or any other factor. This attitude often leads to discrimination and exclusion, which can have damaging effects on the individuals and communities targeted.
In order to fight against prejudice, it is important to recognize it and call it out when it occurs. It is also important to challenge the underlying beliefs that lead to prejudice and to educate ourselves on the reality of the situation. We can do this by engaging in meaningful conversations and challenging our own beliefs and biases. Additionally, it is important to create a culture of acceptance and inclusion. This can be done by celebrating diversity and encouraging people to learn about and appreciate different cultures. Finally, it is important to advocate for equal rights and opportunities for all individuals regardless of their background.
The fight against prejudice is ongoing, but it is possible to make progress. It is important for us to remember that everyone deserves to be respected and treated equally. With effort and determination, we can create a more equitable and just society for everyone.”
This is from ChatGPT 3.5 AI concerning Stereotyping:
“Stereotyping is the process of making assumptions about a person or a group of people based on their appearance, their race, their gender, or any other factor. This type of behavior is usually seen as a form of prejudice and, unfortunately, it is all too common in our society today. Stereotyping can lead to a lot of negative consequences, such as discrimination, marginalization, and even violence.
The best way to fight against stereotyping is to start by being more aware of our own biases. We can actively work to challenge our own assumptions about people and strive to be more open-minded when interacting with others. Additionally, we can practice being more mindful of the language we use when talking about people from different backgrounds.
It is also important to work to create an inclusive environment in our workplaces, schools, and communities. We can do this by encouraging people to speak up when they witness someone being subjected to unfair stereotypes or discriminatory behavior. We can also advocate for policies that promote diversity and equality in our institutions.
Lastly, it is important to remember that everyone is a unique individual, and no two people are exactly alike. We should strive to get to know people on an individual level, rather than making assumptions based on stereotypes. By doing this, we can truly learn to appreciate the diversity of the human experience.”
This is from ChatGPT 3.5 AI concerning Dehumanization:
“Dehumanization is the process of depriving a person or group of their humanity, individuality, and dignity. It is a process which has been used to justify and excuse the mistreatment or violence inflicted upon others. Examples of this include racism, sexism, homophobia, and other forms of discrimination.
Dehumanization is a powerful tool used to strip away the rights and humanity of others. It is used to deny people their basic civil liberties and can create an environment of fear and distrust. By viewing others as less than human, it allows for the mistreatment of certain groups of people based on their race, gender, religion, and other characteristics.
The fight against dehumanization starts with each of us. We must educate ourselves on the impact of discrimination, embrace our differences, and create a culture of respect and acceptance. We must also hold those in power accountable for their actions. We must speak out against oppressive policies and practices, and support those who are impacted by dehumanization.
Finally, we must work together to create a society in which everyone is respected and treated equally. This means recognizing the value of diversity and working to create an environment in which everyone can live, work, and thrive. We can do this by celebrating our unique cultures and backgrounds, and supporting initiatives that promote equality and acceptance. By doing these things, we can create a world free of dehumanization and discrimination.”
This is from ChatGPT 3.5 AI concerning Racism:
“Racism is an issue that has plagued societies for centuries. It is a system of oppression and discrimination based on race, culture and ethnicity. Racism has caused tremendous harm, from physical and emotional violence to segregation and economic inequality. Despite advances in civil rights and equality, racism persists in many forms and continues to be a major source of injustice and inequality in society.
Fighting racism requires both individual and collective action. On an individual level, we can challenge racism by speaking up when we witness it, calling out prejudice and bigotry, and treating everyone with respect. We can also educate ourselves on the history of racism, its effects, and how to be an ally. On a collective level, we can support anti-racist organizations and causes, vote for candidates who champion anti-racist policies, and demand accountability from our leaders.
In addition, we can actively work to create a more just and equitable society by recognizing and celebrating our differences, engaging in meaningful conversations about race and racism, and creating spaces where everyone can be heard and respected. By working together, we can build a world free from racism and oppression.”
This is from ChatGPT 3.5 AI concerning Injustice:
“Injustice is an unfortunate reality in the world that we live in today. It can be found everywhere, from poverty and inequality to discrimination and oppression. It is an insidious problem that continues to plague our society and it is up to us to fight against it.
The first step in fighting against injustice is to recognize that it exists. We must be aware of the ways in which injustice manifests itself in our society and how it affects different people. This awareness can lead to a greater understanding of the issue and how we can work together to address it.
The next step is to take action. We can do this by supporting organizations and causes that work to combat injustice. We can also stand up to injustice when we see it happen in our own lives or in the lives of others. This could mean speaking up when we see something unfair or wrong, or even just listening to and supporting those who are affected by injustice.
Finally, we can work to educate ourselves and others about the causes and effects of injustice. We can also help to spread awareness about the issue and encourage others to take a stand against it. By doing this, we can create a more just and equitable society for all.
Injustice is an issue that affects us all and we must work together to fight against it. We can do this by recognizing the problem, taking action, and educating ourselves and others about the issue. With enough effort, we can make a difference and create a more equitable society for all.”
White Privilege: Daily Effects

We just can’t deny that people with a certain appearance have it easier than others. People treat you differently according to your gender or skin color, and we get different opportunities based on our physical attributes. While we have made some progress in modern times, sadly, some people and societies are still stuck in old patterns.
My friend, a woman of color who is married to a white man, helped me to understand my ‘White Privilege’ by sending me this document and me taking the time to read it. I just never realized or thought about it before. Download it. Go through each point. Think about it. It is mind opening! You are encouraged to re-post it on social platforms. Send it to your fellow white friends.
Straight & Cisgender Privilege: Daily Effects
Likewise, heterosexual men and women have their privilege too, regardless of their color.
Martin Luther King Jr.
I end this chapter with some of my favorite inspiring quotes from one of my favorite humans in history, Martin Luther King Jr. (Born January 15, 1929, Atlanta, GA and Assassinated April 4, 1968, Memphis, TN):
Will Get To The Promised Land
See the promised land. Get to the promised land.
They Don’t Know Each Other
Get to know your neighbor, your adversary, by communicating with them.
Learn To Live Together As Brothers
Do you want to perish as a fool?
Keep Moving Forward
We all need to contribute, to do something, to do anything no matter how small. Start today.
There Is No Stopping
Never give up if you are for that which is right.
There Is Some Good In the Worst of Us
You cannot love if you cannot forgive.
Presence Of Justice
Peace requires the presence of justice.
Be The Best Of Whatever You Are
Be the best in whatever capacity you have.
Love Is Ultimately The Only Answer
To solve mankind’s problems there must be love.
Use Time Creatively
Use your time creatively, always.
Never Lose Infinite Hope
Never lose hope and never give up!
The Ultimate Measure Of A Man
Where do you stand at times of challenge & controversy?
What Are You Doing For Others?
Are you your neighbor’s keeper? Yes.